Guide To Key West Sail And Snorkel

By Mayra Pierce

A veil is a piece of fabric, which can vary in size from a few square meters to several hundred square meters, which, thanks to wind, is used to move a vessel. Sails are used on sailboats, windsurfers, but also on land vehicles (Key West sail and snorkel). A veil is mainly characterized by its shape, weight, and (s) material (s) which it is composed.

That's why sailors always changing their settings to keep them as close as possible the separation sails without the to stall. This requires constant attention, because the setting must be adapted to changes in speed, heading, and wind changes. Strands of wool or ribbons (favors) are often set in various parts of hollow sails to materialize flow nets wind, and report the stall.

The luff of mainsails is secured to mast or through the slides set sails and passed through the mast or through a rope (that is to say a rope sewn along sailing). The edge of mainsails is held by a rope or a / the slide (s) passed into groove of boom. A spinnaker (spinnaker) symmetric by definition, tack and luff are side pole (after jibe so do these terms mean the same most of sails).

The force exerted by wind on sails is roughly perpendicular to chord of sails plan. The component of force which is parallel to axis of vessel is the propulsive force. The other component, perpendicular to axis of vessel tends to cause it to drift, but can also cause property (band) (the ship leans on its side), and can dangerously compromise its balance or capsize.

It was during the first half of twentieth century disappears little by little the veil, especially with the end of tall ships at a premium, one of most successful for the size and speed generations, whose Belem is a survivor, unlike the Duchesse Anne reflecting a generation of great vessels school that bygone period.

If the boat downwind, speed tends to reduce the apparent wind. Thus, contrary to intuition, this rate is not faster because it is not possible to go faster than the true wind. The fastest way to get to a point downwind way is then sometimes tacking in a direction slightly away from the axis of wind (broad reach), which increases the apparent wind. Downwind, the wind on sails tends to push the front of boat.

This can be dangerous, especially on multihulls and cause charging. The hull downwind then abruptly plunges underwater. The resulting violent downturn may capsize the boat on the front (power). At high speed, this speed requires sustained attention of crew.

It is found in the early twentieth century in, in northern Brittany, in particular the number of cutters fishing inBay of Morlaix; ex. Joan of Arc, launched in 1909. The advantage of this simple to implement rig is a certain lightness, excellent performance of near-like while maintaining a large area of canvas suitable for speed (first come port obtained the highest price for their catch, fresh issue as well).

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