Things To Look Out For When Selecting Daytona 500 Packages

By Ida Dorsey

You cannot argue on the popularity of Daytona 500. People of all ages watch it. Even kids starts to watch it as well. Compared to other sports which heats up the end of the season, this sport is the one that jump starts the beginning of our year. And if you are an avid fan of the sport, you know that nothing beats seeing the player of your choice in person.

However, you might not have this chance unless you go to the event in person. And even if you decide right now to go, it is important that you are aware of your level of preparedness. Yes, you need to prepare. This is because the accommodation is only limited to a specific number of people. And unless you reserve ahead, you may end up missing it. In choosing Daytona 500 packages, there are things that you have to look out for.

First is the schedule of accommodation. Depending on your personal schedule, you may decide to get hotel reservation days ahead before the event. In choosing a package, make sure that you check on the number of days it allows you to stay on the hotel. This will help you compute the possible additional expense you need to pay for extensions.

Second is the transportation. Part of the package is a transportation service to the actual area of the race which is the Daytona International Speedway. Consider looking at the mode of the service whether it is a roundtrip one or not.

Third is the freebie. If you want to bring something home as a memento from the car race, then check on the type of freebie that the package is giving. It could be a lanyard, a bracelet or a pin. Take a quick look.

Fourth is the service on site. This refers to professional staff who will be assisting you on the event. You will not know when you need something from the staff. Make sure that you choose a package that has access to them in case.

Five is the price of the package. Of course your budget should always be among the things you need to look for. Bigger hotels are more likely to cost more. And more add on events and hospitality charges may cost you even bigger. You can get the best of what you paid for without necessarily spending too much. Weigh your options.

The list of official packages for the event this 2015 has now been released and it is suggested that you skim through it now. The prices can vary and you may have to save in advance to get the package that you want. You are not alone on the hunt. There are others looking for the best deal.

Do not miss the chance to see your bet player in person. If you are lucky, you may even get the chance to get yourself a photo with them. Plan and reserve in advance. Remember that you are not the only one who wants to attend the event as well.

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